Nicholas Sagan
Through interdisciplinary, New Media and traditional art-making processes, Sagan’s work explores the connections, parallels and paradoxes that exist between art, science, technology and culture. His more recent inquiries and experiments deal specifically with the installation format as medium through which scientific imagery and data archives can be aesthetically and kineaesthetically accessed and interpreted. The artist’s work has been included in exhibitions at such venues as the Comfort Station, Chicago; Co-Prosperity Sphere, Chicago; Mana Contemporary, Chicago; the Sullivan Galleries, School of the Art Institute of Chicago; Arcade Gallery, Columbia College Chicago; and Chicago Artist’s Coalition. He currently teaches at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and Columbia College Chicago.
Partially funded by a 2015 Part-time Faculty Development Grant from Columbia College Chicago.

Strange Matter (detail), 2015
Mixed-media installation
Dimensions variable
Courtesy of the artist

Strange Matter (detail), 2015